
The Tenjin Genesis NFTs are a unique form of digital art and storytelling. Upon acquiring a Tenjin Genesis NFT, you acknowledge that you are purchasing a virtual representation and experience within the Tenjin Genesis project and not a tangible item or any functional utility.

As the holder of a Tenjin Genesis NFT, you possess the commercial and intellectual property rights associated with that specific NFT. However, the Tenjin Genesis team reserves the right to utilize all NFTs for promotional purposes, such as marketing initiatives, online and offline advertising, and other events and activities connected to the Tenjin Genesis project. The Tenjin Genesis team will make a reasonable effort to protect the rights and interests of NFT holders, but cannot guarantee against any potential infringement of rights by third parties.

You understand and agree that the Tenjin Genesis team will not be held accountable for any inaccuracies or oversights in the Tenjin Genesis project or for any loss or harm that may occur as a result of your use of the Tenjin Genesis NFTs. This includes, but is not limited to, any loss of use, data, profits, or unauthorized access to or alteration of your NFTs.

The Tenjin Genesis team retains the exclusive right to all events and giveaways linked to the Tenjin Genesis project. These events and giveaways may offer special rewards and incentives for NFT holders, and the Tenjin Genesis team retains the right to modify the rules and conditions of these events and giveaways at any time and at its sole discretion.

In conclusion, by acquiring a Tenjin Genesis NFT, you affirm that you have read and fully comprehend this notice and agree to abide by its terms. The laws of the jurisdiction in which you reside will govern this agreement. If you have any inquiries or concerns, please reach out to the Tenjin Genesis team for clarification.